Saturday, August 1, 2009
Fake photo with False Caption Awarded by Thai Press
Fake Photograph with False Description
received award for best photo journalism of 2009 by Thai Press
A photograph published in ThaiRat Newspaper on April 13, 2009 events
during violent crash between The Royal Thai Army and The Red (UDD)
protesters, received an award for the best photojournalism of the year
(2009) by the Thai Press.
However, the photo wrapped around controversy
from day one it was published - for the reason of manipulation to
distort the truth - or intend to cover up some information from the
public. Also its news description / caption was totally misleading or
just a straight lie.
The photograph was retouched, eliminated a black bag on the man body -
also his camera was removed from the image. However, there were many
cameras at the scene, including many video clips by other journalists and
As seen in this screen shots from news clips -
the man in photograph
(aka. Mr. Kriengkrai Chockpattanakasemsuk นายกวีไกร โชคพัฒนเกษมสุข)
was dragging a woman ( Red / UDD protester) by her hair, into a soldiers' line behind him
What missing from "award winning best photojournalism of
Thailand 2009" were a black bag on the man's body and his camera.
And why would anyone want to delete such things from a news photograph ??
To cover up some important information ??
or Simply want to make the photograph to go along with a false description ??
in news description / caption as published on front page of Thairat Newspaper,
see large picture here
it said a resident of Din Dang Housing got angry when the Red (UDD) parked a
gas truck near apartment complexes - putting everyone life in danger, so decided
to come out and forcefully get rid of the red in the area..
Dramatic story but far from the truth
The man in photograph
(aka. Mr. Kriengkrai Chockpattanakasemsuk นายกวีไกร โชคพัฒนเกษมสุข)
is not a Din Dang Housing resident. In fact, he is a PAD (ultra conservative political
movement / aka. the yellow head - in which the organization show strong support for
current government / in good relation with the army) And the incident did not take place
at Din Dang !!! .. As shown on map below, this incident took place at Rajparop 12 which
is far from Din Dang Housing.
And here's some photographic evident
see the shop sign in red circle, and see closer street sign in the right picture that
says Rajparop 12 (a bit larger image here
.. and see two women in red shirts on the left picture.
Also see a man in black tee (green arrow) and the Thai flag..
And here's another view from behind soldiers' lines
see the two women in red shirts with Thai flag.
Now, see the whole sequence
and from CH3 news clips
Both the woman and Mr. Mr. Kriengkrai - face to face
and here comes the dramatic scene
and below is another view from THE NATION newspaper
We see the man dragging red shirt woman to soldiers' lines as they did
nothing to prevent it - just looking still.
Actually, this (The NATION 's photo above) is a much better photo
that tell all story, all drama, all about what happened at that moment of time,
and tell story without having to criticize nor taking any sides.
Then again, the Thai Press decided to go for a fake picture with false description. Is it because
photograph above tells too much of the truth ?? Is it because the photograph
above tells that the military and ultra conservative groups are in it together ??
First thing we learn as photographers / journalists is that we DO NOT
manipulate documentary / news photographs - it's the most important work ethics.
And we do not give a false statement (of - how / when / where/ who) in our
What kind of journalism they are practicing in Thailand ??
Do they know anything ?? or Would they call it just Thai Style Journalism ??